31 July 2008

Hermmm... Procrastinate?

So there's iScrap tomorrow. I went into my loft tonight to locate my album and my small file with pictures ready to go. And it wasn't there.

I searched for about an hour. I'm pretty certain it's fallen into the void with the left socks.

So I looked for another one. Nope. My organization skills had extended only to that one little file. Oops.

Now I'm realizing that to organize all these pictures I'm going to need a very large accordion file and about three days. Seriously.

I should've started sometime before the night prior, methinks.

14 July 2008

Some Pictures for You

Here's some recent photos from the 4th and Eli's birthday. Enjoy!

Eating the pizzas our little chefs made

Kiss the cook! (And the craft the kids made)

At the 4th of July golf cart parade

At the carnival the same day

The kids doing some climbing at the carnival

Happy Birthday Eli!

As for updates...

Izzy will be tested for Credit By Exam for Kindergarten next week. Pray for us... when did they start requiring so much of kindergarteners? I mean, did YOU know the difference between an author, illustrator, and publisher when YOU were in kindergarten???

Eli just turned 4. We started styling his hair a little differently:
It fits his personality a little too well.

Both the kids just finished VBS. First time for Eli, second for Izzy. I was a crew leader. We all loved it!

Need some home repairs and major prayer about them. Lots going on in the home department, and it's starting to wear on us. Some major decisions and paperwork ahead!

Sorry I'm so boring today, when I have a little more time I'll think of something cute to say. :)

02 July 2008

Walking out of the home improvement store, I was hit with a sudden rush of warm wind. The sky was a murky color that it hadn't been a few minutes before when I entered the store.

I managed to make it home and get the kids and the dogs inside before the sky opened up, making me glad I'd run my errands straight from the gym, and that in those errands I'd forgotten to return the kids' movies. It's turning out to be a popcorn kind of day. I wish I had time to relax and enjoy it, but I'm caught in the mile-long to-do list that accompanies a last-minute decision to leave town for the weekend.

And if I ever get the hair-brained idea to have a birthday party at my house again, slap me. I'm tired of cleaning.

I'm hyphenating an awful lot today, which probably means I need a nap.

But the little monkey turns four on Saturday, and we will celebrate (again) in the midst of jet skis, fireworks, a big lake, and hopefully sunny skies. Because it's nice when everyone else is celebrating, too, even if it's not for the same reason. It means the hubby gets Friday off, and we get to see family. Maybe relax a little bit.


Have a great Fourth!

(PS - I will have pictures up soon of the party, my camera is not so good so I'm waiting on the hubby to send me the ones he took with his Blackberry, which sadly are 100 times better than the ones our camera took.)