25 August 2008

First Day

Here's some pics from the first day of school!

Izzy was so excited. I knew she would be. It was the typical response... "Mom, why are you still here?" She doesn't need me... sniff, sniff...

So I've got a lot of things to keep me busy, and I'm just waiting for 3:00 so I can see how her first day went!

With Lilly

Walking to school

With Daddy outside of class

With Mommy outside of class

Mrs. Mayland helping Izzy find her seat

Have a great first day, Izzy!

24 August 2008

Soccer Mom

I'm enjoying the last few hours I will have with no kids in school.

In one way, I'm so excited. I know I'll get a lot done with one child in the house. I know the Iz will make tons of friends and be so excited about school. I know she's ready and she's a big girl.

In another way, I'm sad. My little girl is no longer a baby. She reads and writes. She won't be around me all the time anymore. I'm going to miss her so, so much.

But that will make the evenings and weekends so special.

And I've fallen through, guys. Oh, yes. The black hole that is the Soccer Mom. I've signed up for the PTA. And the Voluteer group at the school. They were so excited to hear that I teach music so they can have someone to play piano at the school musicals.

I also packed Iz's lunch tonight, wrapped everything up tight, made sure she had healthy choices and plenty to eat. And put a note in her lunch box, telling her to have a good first day of school and that I love her.

Am I so June Cleaver or what?

Ah, it's all downhill from here. Just kick me when I get the band stickers with my kids' names on them put on the back of my MINIVAN, okay?

18 August 2008

Homework Sucks

It's the perfect weather for hot tea and a book.

I'm a rebel, though, so I'm more in the mood for coffee and a magazine. So ha.

Too much or too little to do, either way it turns my head to mush and all I can think about it what happens to Rand in book five. Which is at my husband's work. Not like I haven't read it before. I know he won't die, 'cause he's still there in book eleven. But still...

Just holding on until the news comes. I hope it's good, I hope it's fast. That's the best way to get... money.

What did you think I was going to say???

Reading Urban Dictionary is actually pretty funny.

Blog: A meandering, blatantly uninteresting online diary that gives the author the illusion that people are interested in their stupid, pathetic life. Consists of such riveting entries as "homework sucks" and "I slept until noon today."

I hope I don't cause you that much pain.

15 August 2008

Oui We Wii

So long with no post... there must be an explanation!

Oui, there is.


And for anyone who owns one, you completely understand the mind-sucking void that comes on while engaged with this awesome device. Such that I spend weeks without posting.

Anywho, I get a break from it because *gasp* the kids are playing right now. My big game is Wii Fit. Because it's so freakin' awesome. Theirs is Mario Kart. No big shock there. Bryan's is Super Mario Galaxy.

But tonight is girl's night. Me and my best two girlies watching What Not to Wear, or something similarly feminine, while drinking girly drinks and eating strawberries with chocolate. And crafting. Oh, yes. Because it wouldn't be a night at Steph's without crafting.

And I DO have recent pictures, including my recent foray into purple glasses, and my obsession with making everyone try them on:

And, of course, Izzy loves her new mp3 player. So much that she walks around the house dancing.
By the way, did you notice I got a new camera? No more fuzzy pictures! Yay!!!

And pretty soon the inside of my house will look normal... thank you Jesus!!! I'll post before and afters after the work is done!