17 November 2008

Hell in a Hand Basket

I can't stand to watch the news anymore. Thank goodness I don't watch TV. Because honestly, even going into the gas station and seeing the news there makes me want to vomit.

I'm thinking the direction our country/world is going is a recipe for a horrible ulcer for me. I can't get into it, because I'm tired of my blood pressure skyrocketing.

16 November 2008


Wow, my poor blog. It has gone so unattended, that the weeds are waist high now. And it's all Facebook's fault. Because it's just so darn easy to be nosy on there, and see what everyone's doing, and let everyone else know what I'm doing. Minute to minute. Status updates. You know.

I'm sorry. There's really too much to write about. Remodeling, staying at friends' for a week, sickness and more sickness, organizing and cleaning, and the death of a friend. And that's just in the past 3 weeks, I believe. I'm so busy I really shouldn't be typing this, I've got a million things I should be doing.

So come find me on Facebook, it's easier to keep up with me there!