Sometimes I think my childrens' purpose in life is to make sure Mommy never gets enough sleep.
Consistently they wake up around 6:15 or 6:30. Recently, my eldest is learning to appreciate dozing in bed until 7 AM (although she joins me in bed around 6:30). She crawls in, claims Daddy's pillow, and declares, "Mommy, this is my pillow. I don't want to smell you." (as if she doesn't have morning breath too! At least she comes by her aversion to smells honestly...) My youngest, however, is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed as early as we'll let him be. Some mornings it doesn't even matter if we don't want to let him. I remember one morning this week he was up at 5 AM. Running around like he was at a playground, making lots of noise and definitely not interested in going back to bed.
And my poor daughter, if my son ends up in bed with us in a feeble attempt to get him to relax for a little bit so we can snooze for a few minutes, he rolls around like an acrobat. This morning he had one foot on me and one foot on my daughter, his head inbetween us, rolling back and forth and kicking, and making a sound like Chewbacca. If I had that kind of energy in the morning I'd bottle it and sell it and become an instant millionaire.
Forget Red Bull, because now there is Toddler Rocket Power! It will have you bouncing off of walls and tearing wrapping paper into tiny shreds within minutes... guaranteed!
Makes me think that if I had time for morning coffee, it would have to be consumed like this:
So, unfortunately, I'm off to start my day. The horrible thing is that most of my work today is phone calls, which I can't do for another hour or two. I've already checked my e-mail, fed the kids breakfast, and balanced the checkbook. So I guess that leaves... *cringe*... housework.
Ewwww, phonecalls all day.
I hate the phone.
I just love reading your blog - especially when you describe what the kids are doing! It gives me such an insight into your day with them...How I wish this grandma could be closer to see you and them more often! I love you!
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