15 November 2006

But for the grace of God, there go I...

I've been thinking about this a lot. It's really brought a lot of humility to (what I didn't think was) my judgemental attitude. I didn't even notice I was doing it. But then again, 99% of us don't. A woman in my group today again brought this up, and another commented that you shouldn't ever say, "My (child, husband, self, whatever) would never do that..." for the simple reason that you'll end up learning your lesson the hard way by experiencing it.

It's how I've learned to detect those who don't have children. Those who have never had a child that (we're pretty sure) has ADD. Those who have never had a Houdini child. Those who have never had a child cry all night until you give in and let them sleep in your bed. Those who have never thought that leaving the store when your child starts acting up is giving them exactly what they want.

And they say such hurtful things, even when they don't know you. After my Houdini child escaped from our locked back yard and ran into the street, trailed by my son and our three dogs, one person who helped me round them all up actually said to me, "You need to watch your children." And gave me a horrible You're a bad mom look.

That man either never has had children, never had a child that wasn't stumped by his locking mechanisms, or it's been so long that he has had that child that he has forgotten what it was like. Like forgetting pregnancy pain. I always told myself I'd never forget that pain. But I did.

That is just one example of the quick and the judgmental in this world. How was he supposed to know that I'd gone through four different locks in the past month trying to outwit her? He would've known if he'd asked. If he'd had a little...


Which brings us to our next point. When you see someone you'd like to judge, please put yourself in their shoes. Imagine what that poor, tired mom's day has been like before you judge her on bribing her children to be good for five minutes so she can finish getting groceries. Could that man that snapped at you have lost his job today?

Patience. Empathy. Love. All in a perfect world.

P.S. Thanks for a lovely weekend, Mom. I loved getting to spend some time with you, Dad, and Sis. I'll be praying for your Board notice this week. Love you.


Library Goddess said...

You're thanking ME for a wonderful weekend? YOU'RE the one who drove hours to get here! It was so special having you and the kids here.
And in the words of an American Indian philosopher - "Walk a mile in my moccasins..."

Jen said...

I love moccasins. Your children are very smart... and you and your husband have no one to blame but yourselves! That's what you get for eating your Wheaties.

Seriously, you guys are both excellent problem solvers... Of course you would have Houdini children.