13 December 2006

Glutton for Punishment

For some reason Houston has an inability to succumb to winter. Today I wore a light jacket over a sleeveless shirt and had to take the jacket off so I wouldn't suffocate in my car.

I'm winding down. I've got my toffee cappuccino in my Power of Pink cup, having just e-mailed out the conference call notes on our current promotions for my team members. I just get all riled up about this company. I love what I do. I wish everyone had the ability to make the amount of money I can make while loving what they do as much as I do. But I think I might have talked too fast for anyone to understand what I was saying. Such is the nature of excitement, eh?

The gym membership is going well. I had my first torture session with a personal trainer on Monday. Even though I was miserable with a cold, he still wasn't nice to me. My arms and shoulders are still sore. Nevertheless, knowing I wouldn't be able to make it in today, I went to the gym last night after putting the kids to bed. I worked my abs and legs. Now, at least, the pain is evenly spread over the entire body. I went again yesterday, even though I'm still feeling relatively cruddy, because I felt better after working out on Monday. I felt better, again, after working out last night. I think I'm catching on to this whole "health" thing. Ha.

I really liked my personal trainer. His name is Kennis, and he's probably too young for me to be comfortable dating my younger sister, if that gives you any idea of his age. But he's personable and encouraging. I swear I've never been high-fived by one person so many times in my life. Plus, he gives me direction where I have none. He knows what to do, and I'm as lost as tofu in gumbo in that gym, lovely as it is.

My husband remarked that there was something terribly wrong. He should have been the last person I ever told I was comfortable with my personal trainer, not the first. Boy, do I have a lot to learn about gyms. ;)

For now, personal training is not fiscally possible. I've decided that if we can get three credit cards paid off we can get them back. Sounds like yet another goal in this princess's world. As if that's anything new!!!

Please say a prayer for us. We're in a sticky situation with relatives who are very ill, and our lack of sick leave and/or vacation days. Timing is everything, and this time we need it to work in our favor so we can be where we are needed. Thanks in advance.

Happy trails to you, until we meet again...


lisa said...

I hope the family stuff works out. And, lift a few pounds for me. ;)

Library Goddess said...

As always, I keep you, hubby, and children in my prayers. Trust God and it will all turn out the way it is supposed to turn out. I love you more than ever (is that possible?)...