24 March 2007


There are some days that I love driving my Jeep. And I thank God for those small blessings.

Today we looked at tile, because we're finally getting our bathroom done this week (yay!). We picked out two we really like. One is a beige-brown marble, the other is a red-brown marble. Put the two together, and can you say "elegant"? I can picture the bathroom with sunflowers in an antiqued vase, sepia pictures of foreign lands, and antiqued silver fixtures. So pretty! When it's done I'll upload pictures (although it won't be DONE DONE for a while, after this we'll still have to peel wallpaper and paint the walls and cabinets, plus replace the countertop). I'm going to look for small red and brown stones to do the base of the shower. I'm so friggin' excited I'm about to jump out of my skin. And is it weird that I'm getting this excited over a bathroom? I hope not, because I can't afford a psychiatrist right now. The best I can do is calling my sis, who has her Bachelor's in Psychology. I hope she doesn't charge much.

I helped a friend with a garage sale today. I ended up taking home 2 boxes of food, four new pairs of shoes, one Barbie with clothes and one without, and a pillowcase full of ribbon. All for free, thanks Steph! I don't know how this happens to me. I can walk through a garage sale and not buy anything, but if I'm helping someone run one it's like I lose all my marbles. I see stuff and think, "I don't need that." But give me two hours, and I swear I'll die without it. I have evil thoughts about fighting the next-door neighbor over the Barbie playhouse as she purchases it. I saw a Ken shirt that looked like it went to a prince outfit and thought, "Now if I can just wrestle that playhouse away from the stinky neighbor, I can sew a pair of pants to go with that shirt, buy a Ken doll, and then my princess can play princess!!!"

Of course, reality hits later, when I've had the Ken shirt for over a year and still haven't bought a Ken doll. I've probably bought the little material it would take to cover Ken's Liquid Papered butt (*snicker - Keri, remember?*), but I don't have a sewing machine, and I don't have the patience to sew it by hand because I use it all on the kids and my husband.

That's why I took six months to fix the "sewing pile." I felt so silly when it took me a grand total of 20 minutes to fix the minor damage on the six items in the sewing pile.

What I really need to do is schedule a garage sale of my own. Then I can get rid of all the crap in this house, which has piled up once again, probably because I've helped too many friends with too many garage sales. And I can take the money and use it to buy the paint and the cabinet knobs and the sunflowers for my new bathroom.

And thus the plan is set.

*Maniacal laugh*

1 comment:

Jen said...

I wanna see before and afters... Extreme Castle Makeover - Pumpkin Edition

You gotta get some Kens...