23 April 2007


Tonight we celebrated the end of a 10-week long Crown course. We had such a good time. I always feel like our groups become little families during these courses, and I keep in touch with a lot of my groups. I highly favor regular Crown reunions.

In other news, I am so sick and tired of dress shopping that I think I'm going to boycott it indefinitely after tomorrow. Usually I have to settle for a less than perfect dress. This time it was much, much worse.

I found the perfect dress. Yep, I most certainly did. The color was awesome, the cut was great, and I looked like a freakin' princess in it.

And they didn't have it in my size. Of course it had to be a bridesmaids dress, so ordering it would take three months, and I only have three weeks. So I gather a list of all the stores in Texas that carry this particular designer, and begin to call each and every one of them, looking for this dress in my size.

Most of them didn't have it at all.

The ones that did either had a color that would look horrid on me, or couldn't sell me the floor demo. The latter is much worse than the former. Simply knowing that the dress is there, the embodiment of perfection in fit and style, and I can't have it because of bridal shop politics.

So you can't order another one and let me have the one off the floor?

No, ma'am. We can't sell the demos. But I'll be happy to order one for you.


So, off we go again. I'm going to attempt to take the kids shopping for a dress tomorrow. Wish me luck. I'll need it.

1 comment:

lisa said...

Hope you find your dress. I just got a killer dress and it was on sale...yeah.