02 April 2007

That's not my weekend, it's too...

My plans for this weekend were thwarted by circumstance. I had planned to spend Saturday at Career Conference, Saturday night playing poker, and Sunday going to church and cleaning house and getting Bryan ready for his trip.

Instead, I drove an hour in pouring rain and sleet to my Director's house at 6:30 AM, got to Career Conference and stayed through 10:30, when I checked my voicemail to discover my son had been taken to the ER. Apparently he'd gotten into the medicine cabinet and there was a possibility that he had swallowed some multivitamins. Normally not a big deal, except they were adult multis and had a high iron content. The scary part is that the bottle and the Poison Control Center agree that iron overdose is the main cause of death in children under 6. My boy's only 2. So... I frantically drove to the ER, almost getting run over by a red car that thought that it had the right of way making a left turn from a side street. He actually had the gall to flip ME off. Ha. And all the crazy drivers in Houston, of course, that don't know how to handle a stoplight that's out. Four way stop, people, four way stop.

Saturday night we cancelled, because after 8 hours in the ER we were all exhausted. He was fine, and there's a strong possibility that he didn't eat any vitamins at all. That evening I started getting a sinus headache.

Sunday morning dawned with me sick as a dog. I was running a fever, my throat was swollen and unbearable, my eyes were puffy, I was sneezing and coughing, and my headache still hadn't gone away. I felt like a truck had hit me. I skipped church in lieu of sleep. Most of the day I spent dozing, simply because I didn't have the energy to do anything, but every time I sat down I passed out.

I went to Home Depot with the family that afternoon, thinking that getting out might make me feel better. That was a mistake. I felt worse, and was dragging my feet to the car, slow and sluggish and miserable. My angel of a husband fixed food all day for our bottomless pits of children, and as the day wore on I felt better and better, so that by the end of the evening I was functional again and was at least able to feed the dogs to help out.

So my Monday dawns with a lot of housework to catch up on from two days completely lost, and preparation for an MRI tomorrow for my daughter. She has no clue, I'm worried. Not about the procedure, but because I don't want her to be scared. I still have some lingering symptoms of yesterday's illness... a little scratchy throat, a little fatigue that caused me to only spend 20 minutes on cardio instead of my normal run, and a little cough that drove me out of the sauna after only 7 minutes.

Oh, and I'll be by myself until Thursday evening, too.

That was definitely not how I planned to spend my weekend.

1 comment:

lisa said...

hope you're feeling better