16 July 2007

Haaaaahhhh - lelujah!!!


I am car-ed again. I guess that's what you are after you're carless. At the ingeneous suggestion of my wonderful Mommy, I'm going to bake those guys a cake.

I don't have to find a ride to VBS, I don't have to skip the gym, I don't have to wait to run errands until all hours of the night. Yesssss.... *happy dance*

So, in light of this new happy mood, I'm going to regale you with the things over the past few days that I've enjoyed:

- Showering in the dark while it rains. I know it's crazy, we've been getting so much rain lately. But showering while it's raining is the closest thing a non-exhibitionist extremely modest person will get to feeling the rain on bare skin. And apparently that's important, because they wrote a whole song about it. And apparently, as well, no one else can feel it for me. It's relaxing and exhilirating at the same time.

- Swimming. Yes, we actually made it to the pool! It let up raining on Sunday afternoon long enough to let us go for a few hours. Eli learned to swim without anyone holding on to him (wearing a vest of course), and Izzy jumped off the diving board for the first time (without a vest, of course). And, as always, it's just nice to be in the pool, swimming around, freefloating or doing laps, I don't really care. I just love to swim.

- Free CDs. A friend gave me three of them, and it was quite unexpected. How did she know I've been on a CD kick lately?

- The first ray of sunshine in my new teaching career. A band director I'm working with called and wants me to do a week-long methods class with his clarinet section during band camp. It's unusual for it to be during the day, but it's just that week. Afterward it'll be in the evening. I'd be there for an hour a day, teaching clarinet basics, and I'm so freakin' excited about it I'm about to jump out of my skin. Anyone up for watching the kids one of those days? I promise it won't be more than 2 hours, allowing for driving time.

- Talking with old friends. A friend from high school called today, and we caught up for about an hour. I miss her, but hopefully I'll be seeing her soon. She's planning a trip down here next month, and we'll probably take the kids to the zoo and the aquarium and all the other touristy-type stuff. Although I think it's funny that she doesn't seem to remember our last trip to the zoo. When we left, we were so thankful to see the parking lot that we both seriously thought about getting down and kissing the ground. I hope she plans to stay long enough to recover from each expedition, or her trip down her might just kill me!

On that happy thought, I'm going to go to bed so I'm well rested to play with the kiddos at VBS tomorrow at Avalanche Ranch. Yippee kai-oh kai-ay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I remember. And I remember how freggin hot it was and how we got lost.