23 September 2008

Let there be light!

And... *sigh of relief* we have power.

We escaped for the weekend to my Mom's, because the heat in Houston doesn't mix well with tempers because of a week with no power and no A/C. And no hot baths. And no cooked food. I, for one, blame the sodium levels in all the canned food. That stuff's just not healthy.

It was an interesting ride. I'm glad it's over.

But I'm still praying that those in Houston who still don't have power get it soon, because frankly all of Houston has lost its friggin' mind. I'm tired of people with short tempers, venom spilling from normally reasonable mouths (or keyboards), and drivers with a death wish.

But Izzy's back in school and things can return to semi-normalness. Which means busy. The two weeks of lessons I had to miss because of the hurricane I now have to schedule makeup lessons for, they rescheduled everything I had planned to take place within the next 2 weeks. Oh, joy.

So, here's some pictures to tide you over until normalcy resumes:
Izzy and Eli got all dolled up for the hurricane party

The boys boarded up the houses for us

I don't think that tree is SUPPOSED to lean like that...

Typical minimal damage in our neighborhood

Hurricane-style transportation

Our chef firing up our meal at Kobe while we were escaping Houston electricity-less heat

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