16 December 2008


Why is it that when a crisis happens, I have to deal with it?

Don't get me wrong, I am competent and smart. But I am not a plumber. Therefore, when the hot water pipe burst under the sink and flooded my kitchen this afternoon, it meant that I couldn't fix it right away.

Which means that I spent my afternoon with a shop vac, mopping up the lake in my kitchen and dining room. And that I had to turn off the water in the house until it's fixed. And under my sink smells musty. Yuck.

I don't have time for this.

On the good side, though, I got my errands finished early, so I was actually home when this happened. It could have been SOOO much worse. Imagine coming home to a completely flooded house... umm... yeah. No, thanks. I definitely do not have time for THAT.

So, thus begins my preparations for our Christmas trip. Merry Christmas, everyone!

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