31 January 2007

Looking at the World Through Mary-Kay-Colored Glasses

I'm excited. And tired. And stressed. And strangely relaxed. All aflutter. And yet calm.

Yes, that's right, folks. Jen is entering DIQ again. This is it! I've got my 8, I've got another 3 placing orders, so that'll be 11, I've got 13 in the wings that are about to sign on... and life is good.

Of course, this requires the requisite prayer for my success. Any and all prayer is appreciated. My connection at the gym has more than paid off, with three of the 13 new recruits coming directly from there in the past week.

Unlike last time, I'm relaxed, but excited about what the future holds for me. A new car? Will I meet car qualification at the same time as Directorship? Will everything go better than planned (because it never goes AS planned)? Will I have the drive to complete what I'm about to start again?

Thanks to my wonderful team for their support. Thanks to my Director for keeping me accountable so I can achieve my dreams. Thanks to my Mom for being a listening ear. Thanks to my friends for saying "Go get 'em, girl!"

I have seen my future, and it is a most glorious shade of pink...

I never thought I'd end up wanting a career in Mary Kay. It just wasn't in the plans. But I'll tell you, I've never loved any company more. The more I'm in it, the more I love it. I've made so many great, positive, supportive friends just by being a consultant. My adoptive Houstonian mom is my Director, and I couldn't do it without her. She's there when I need her, whether it's to come with me to get new leads, or to watch the kids so I can get stuff done, or just offer some business advice. I thank God I found her and that she's my Director, because without her I would have never begun.

And I expect all of you at my Directorial debut with bells on!

26 January 2007


I would like to thank my personal graphic designer for redesigning my blog... so THANKS, JILL!!!! It's beautiful and I love it!

Let me know what you guys think of the new look!

24 January 2007



You must watch this video. This child is an inspiration. The video and the depth of her painting made me weep!

23 January 2007

Dreams of February


Disposal replacement: $90
Main-line water leak: $400
Water heater replacement: $280
Double water bill: $70
+Double electric bill: $350
= Really looking forward to February, because January kinda sucked.

And this doesn't even come close to what still has to be paid that hasn't been yet...

15 January 2007

In the Groove

And sometimes things just come together.

My business, that is. Today was almost surreal. A friend of mine who is currently on my team told me she didn't really want to sell, but she was going to stay active, and she had a recruit for me. Cool. Then I set up a booth at the gym for their Customer Appreciation Day, and a customer of mine called while I was there and set an appointment to come browse my inventory tomorrow for more stuff. Double Cool. Then a lady I stopped and invited to a facial at the gym told me she was looking for someone to sign up under, could she sign up under me? Triple cool, in a kinda freaky sort of way. Then I came home to an e-mail from a very good customer (and friend!) that contained an interest in a party and a lead on a potential recruit. Quadruple cool.

Business just doesn't get a whole lot better than this!

Now, I've gotta go and start calling people to meet my 100 faces by March 31st challenge. And if you'd like to lend me your face and you are currently 18+ years of age without a consultant (or a current customer of mine), please call me, I could use all the help I can get!!! (Out-of-towners count too!)

The rest of life is moving along. Nothing really exciting to report. Today was a little pick-me-up from the mood that has taken over. Now I'm going to go clean my house and my office for my appointment tomorrow!

10 January 2007

Part of Your World

(as sung by my daughter)

Oh, you know you don’t get too far
Wanna see ‘em dancing
Rolling along on those… Why are you calling?
Oh, feet!

Priceless quote of the day:
"Hey, God, it's Isabelle. I love you so much, God! Thanks for letting me go potty. Amen."

09 January 2007


I am restless today. I have so much to do, but something is lacking. I feel like I'm a little bit lost. I know I need to be working, when what I'd really like to do is go sit outside in the backyard and just... be.

I know that part of it is receiving the news last night that my great-grandmother died. She was 99. I know I'm okay. I'm not overly depressed about it. After all, she was 99, led a good life, was a Christian, and died the way she wanted to: at home in her sleep.

So why is it that the longer I sat last night, the more nauseous I became? I drove up to the corner store at ten minutes to eleven with the full intention of buying a pack of cigarettes. I got there, parked, and just sat there for a few minutes. I didn't really want to smoke. What I really wanted was to get away for a few minutes, and the smoking was just an excuse. So I just sat there, ignoring the stares of curious people who were wondering, What is that woman doing there, sitting in her car doing nothing, crying just a little? I swear it was just one glistening tear, but I was in my own world and it very well could have been that I looked downright awful. I don't know. Maybe that's why people were so curious.

I just feel like the past year and a half has been about loss. Not just people, but things and ideas and illusions. Change is not always for the better. It just makes me a little sad to see a little of it go... those illusions brought some amount of surface-level joy at least.

And yet there is always hope. There is always tomorrow. And there is always God's plan. Because I know through the heartache he will build something grand. Wade through the pieces and put together something precious and valuable. But I don't remember praying for patience, or character, or thick skin. I'm very careful not to, because you learn patience through it being tried. You learn character through it being tested. You gain a thick skin through being hurt and recovering the wiser for it.

No, I don't remember praying for these things.

But it's not my plan at all. I'd love nothing more than to lead a very simply happy and uneventful life, getting everything I want with ease. That doesn't seem to be in the works for me, because therein lies the flaw. I know this will take a few days to process, but I'll be okay. And it's not really about Grandma Dobbs. Because she's happy and in the arms of the Father, where I'm sure she has longed to be. This is about the infamous straw, and the time it takes to heal the camel's back.

I'm sorry this post has been so depressing. I promise I'll be better in a few days. I've just got to learn to cling to the hope of the future instead of seeing the past.

Growing up hurts, and there are many times I long for the innocence of childhood, where I didn't have so darned much to think about all the time.

I seriously am going to post something inspirational and awe-inspiring very soon. I promise. I've just got to quit forgetting what it is I want to post...

04 January 2007


In the year 2007 I resolve to:
Slap stupid people in the head.

Get your resolution here.


More to come later. I haven't had time to post. Love you guys!