15 January 2007

In the Groove

And sometimes things just come together.

My business, that is. Today was almost surreal. A friend of mine who is currently on my team told me she didn't really want to sell, but she was going to stay active, and she had a recruit for me. Cool. Then I set up a booth at the gym for their Customer Appreciation Day, and a customer of mine called while I was there and set an appointment to come browse my inventory tomorrow for more stuff. Double Cool. Then a lady I stopped and invited to a facial at the gym told me she was looking for someone to sign up under, could she sign up under me? Triple cool, in a kinda freaky sort of way. Then I came home to an e-mail from a very good customer (and friend!) that contained an interest in a party and a lead on a potential recruit. Quadruple cool.

Business just doesn't get a whole lot better than this!

Now, I've gotta go and start calling people to meet my 100 faces by March 31st challenge. And if you'd like to lend me your face and you are currently 18+ years of age without a consultant (or a current customer of mine), please call me, I could use all the help I can get!!! (Out-of-towners count too!)

The rest of life is moving along. Nothing really exciting to report. Today was a little pick-me-up from the mood that has taken over. Now I'm going to go clean my house and my office for my appointment tomorrow!


lisa said...

That's awesome! I hope you have many more days the same.

Unknown said...

Sounds like some good Karma has come back to you.

Anonymous said...

That's great, Jen! It's always awesome to have good days mixed in with the not-so-good ones :)