20 March 2007

Words of Wisdom

From our car trip:

Absolute blasphemy causes dog ear fidgets. Golf hobbyists infest juries, knowingly leading marsupials northward over patchy Quebec. Returning soup tastes unfortunate.

Almost bragging, Chad decided enough frenzied groupers had ingested jellybeans.

Artifacts buried carelessly decompose extremely fast.

Harmonious imbeciles joust kings loudly. Many nobles ogle princesses. Queens reluctantly summon truants' ugly vengeful wives. Xanadu yesterday zapped Angelo because calamari doesn't escape frisky gorillas.

Eh, figure it out for yourselves. :)


Library Goddess said...

It wasn't THAT long of a trip!!!!

Anonymous said...

Jen, I haven't read your blog in a while, sorry! I enjoyed going back and reading the last few posts. It sounds like a lot is going on with you guys. I'll keep you in prayers, okay? Keep in touch!