20 July 2007

If You Add Potatoes, Is It Still Eggs Benedict?

Today was the last day of VBS. Honestly, I could've gone another week. I loved it, and I loved seeing the kids love it. Not just mine, but all of them. We had so much fun, and everything was so well done. My favorite part was watching the little kids worship. They put their soul into it, everything they have. They raise their hands and bounce around with glee and fight to be on stage for all the world to see them honor God. And I loved listening to my Izzy walk around all week singing songs from VBS. It's such a blessing. And I was blessed to be a part of it. The least of the blessing being that I know all the moves to the songs and all the words, so I can sing along, too.

Another great part was building relationships with these kids. I had a great group of girls, and a couple of tag-alongs in my crew. I had four, but sometimes I had six following me and my co-Crew Leader. I watched a wallflower bloom into a charming little lady once she got to know us, and another child having a difficult time, today, on the last day, run from her Daddy's arms to mine as soon as she saw me (and if you know her, you know how unusual this is). Both his and my eyes were as big as saucers, I'm sure. It was an unexpected pleasure to know I'd meant something to her.

And I can say without fear (even knowing that one of the VBS coordinators regularly reads my blog) that I would love to do it again next year. 'Cause it was awesome. Yes, I know. Hit 'em in the head with a big fat possum. Ooooh. Ah ah. Oooh ooh, ah ah.

To wrap it up, I got a whole five Susan Brockman books at the library today (yay!). And I fixed Eggs Benedict for dinner. I haven't done that in a while, and I usually don't do it without help, so when Bryan came home feeling ill, I inwardly groaned but outwardly smiled and told him to go lay down. Just 'cause I'm such a darned good wife. I was trying to juggle constantly stirring the hollandaise with stirring the cooking ham, putting the English muffins in the oven, baking the diced potatoes, poaching the eggs, keeping the kids out of the kitchen, and trying not to trip over either the dogs or the dog food container that the kids were using as a stool to get up on the counter. Sounds like fun, huh?

And for those of you who knew I wasn't feeling at all well this week (hopefully none of the VBS people noticed, but just in case you're worried, it wasn't contagious), I feel much better now thank you.

Tomorrow's probably going to be a rainy day, and so we're going to attempt to smoke some ribs on the front porch, which is thankfully long enough to not flood the house with smoke or catch it on fire. Hopefully we'll also be doing a trip to Chick Fil-A. Golly, we're such boring people.

So I guess I'm going to go and write again when I have something interesting to say.

Oh, the Lord's been good to me
And so I thank the Lord
For giving me the things I need
The sun and the rain and eternity
The Lord's been good to me
Yippie kai yay...
Yippie kai yo...

1 comment:

Eric and Amy Pace said...

Glad you got to be a part!!! I love VBS too, I will be there as long as my kiddos are going..... it is a blessing!