17 October 2007


I may seem spontaneous and laid back to most, but really I hate change. And there's been a bit of it lately, and looks like more to come.

Teaching was a change, but a good one. I'm getting more involved with it now, with 9 students, more to schedule (phone tag), and the opportunity to possibly work for one of the most recognizable music places in my county. We'll see how that works out, I'm looking forward to it if it does happen.

But there's a job change on the horizon for the hubby. He can't stay where he's at, although we've been happy there. There have been some changes at his work, and he's being forced to switch departments. It's ironic, really, the way it happened. This could mean endless bad things, like a new boss who fires on a whim without any reason, no bonus next year (bonuses are based on department performance, and let's just say this one he's being transferred to doesn't make the grade), etc. Our family can't take the stress of this change. I can't live with that kind of insecurity. So he's going on a preliminary lunch with a guy from a major company today, seeking a job interview for something he's really excited about. From the job description, he'd be perfect for it, and it will keep him challenged and excited about what he does. It's more of a person-to-person role within what he already knows, and all of you that know him know how my husband thrives on person-to-person exchange and relationship-building. So please be praying that all goes smoothly, and this guy has the clout to push my hubby's info through to the right people to get a bona fide interview... and quick. His new department takes effect on the first. And if possible we'd like to have something different lined up by then. We're not opposed to something different that comes along, but this particular job sounds almost too good to be true. So we're pushing for that one.

Other than that, I'm looking forward to seeing my first Broadway production this weekend, the Lion King in Dallas. Sounds like loads of fun, and I'm so excited that I'm already packed!

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