23 October 2007


This past Friday I went to spend the night with my buddy, Steph. We spent the entire night coming up with costumes for her husband's work party the next night. We went through all the fabric in her craft room and came up with enough fabric to make his and hers Roman costumes, and we did so without a pattern. I usually craft when I go over there, just for fun, but usually not on this level. We had a blast. We tried to make his costume without him to measure it on, since he was at work, so Steph used me as a model, figuring my chest would make up for his height. Haha.

I spent most of my time with a toga on, gluing green leaves to a wire headband. The costumes turned out very nicely, if I do say so myself. It inspired me to finish my costume, and the little things I had to do for the kids' costumes for this weekend's Harvest Party. Now we're ready.

On Saturday morning I woke up and hung around until the afternoon, when Izzy and I drove to Dallas to meet my Mom. We then had a nice dinner in the hotel restaurant, and took a shuttle down to Fair Park to see the Broadway edition of the Lion King. Let me tell you, that's some show. It was very well put together, with incredible costumes and talented actors. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Izzy was tired, and kept saying she wanted to fall asleep, but as soon as the next musical number came on, she would sit up and want the binoculars.

Sunday we continued the animal theme by going to the Rainforest Cafe. Izzy was so enthralled with the animals that she didn't eat much. But it was a great experience nonetheless.

Monday Bryan stayed home from work, using one of his many sick days before the end of the year when they expire. A cold front had blown in some storms, and the extra bite in the air that is so uncommon in Houston made for perfect grilled cheese and thick soup weather.

I'm about to write down all that I have to do. It seems lately that I am booked to the gills, but that's okay. I tend to be more organized and more together when I'm really busy. And I've come to realize that my just-handle-it mentality plays a big part in this. My house may not be perfect, I may be slightly overwhelmed, but I'm doing my best and I feel good about that.

Lots of parties in the near future, lots of happy times coming. Bry has applied for four different jobs, three within the same company, and we're hoping to hear back soon. Two may mean a move, so those aren't our first choices. But one is especially promising, and in town. So, if you think about it, please pray that we get what we want and need out of this job change.

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