28 December 2007

Suddenly Incapable of Caring for Kids

In other words...


Yes, yes, yes. That is my state at the moment. Fever-running, snot-producing, sore-throat, chills, achy-breaky muscles, lying-on-the-couch-and-if-you-touch-me-you-die kind of fun.

It all started last Wednesday, over a week ago. As we were in the car, leaving for our long Christmas vacation, my hubby starts getting sick. Lo and behold, he wasn't faking it to avoid socializing at his mother-in-law's (not that I could accuse him of that, because he loves his in-laws), because my daughter soon joined in with all the feverish coughing snottiness. My son followed suit, and I cleverly avoided capture by telling my body I didn't have time to be sick, and if I was sick, who would watch everybody else?

So my body listened until the opportune moment... okay, she's home. She's got her hubby around until Monday. She's done unpacking. Score!!!

And thus it began.

On a more cheery note, I did have a wonderful Christmas, boogers and all. We got to see the Trans-Siberian Orchestra, which by the way, if you haven't seen them, it is now dubbed a priority by your royal highness, the Pumpkin Princess. I was astounded. They put on such a good show, and the carrying on and joking after the show was just as fun!

And we got to go on a horse-drawn carriage ride through Lake Kiowa to see all the Christmas lights. And we got to go see Enchanted with the kids. Never mind that Eli threw up twice during the end... once on the row in front of us and once on me. No more buttery popcorn for sickie. And thank God there was no one sitting in front of us.

So I'm bed-bound and dreading only being able to squeeze down a few spoonfuls of chicken noodle tomorrow, which was the fate I witnessed my whole family go through over the past week.

And Mom, he wasn't crazy. At the beginning of this thing, there are just some smells, seemingly random in nature, that just can't be handled. Your beef ciabattas weren't to blame. In fact, they were excellent. But pizza tonight was just not to be, because that was the particular scent my nose just couldn't handle. Maybe it's just this stage of it and the smell of food in general... hmm...

Anyway, pray all goes well over the next few weeks. Hubby has accepted a new job, one with a company whose name will generate endless jokes to keep me and my family entertained. I really hope it's everything we've been praying for.

All righty then, I'm going to go sanitize my keyboard now.

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