11 February 2008

Brain Surgery

I received this e-mail, watched the video, and was floored. I'm now more than ever against de-privatizing health care. Any of my Canadian readers care to comment?

A very informative commentary! Please watch!

A Short Course On Brain Surgery Worth Watching... Could be our future? A short but poignant independent film on government sponsored health care systems.

Everyone who plans to vote for our new President in 2008 NEEDS to see this. Regardless of the person for whom they would vote. Please forward this to everyone you can think of as soon as you can. http://www.freemarketcure.com/brainsurgery.php

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

But they do make great bacon... specially on pizza... not that I would know :)

Yeah, we're a democracy... and a free market... why do people like bondage and dependency so much? M talks about some cycle of democracy or something... have to find it.