12 June 2008

Holy frijoles, Batman!

Summer is a time to relax, take a break, and enjoy life for a while. Slow down, rest, and recouperate.


Ha... haha... hahaha... hahahaha...

Okay, maybe that was getting a little maniacal. The first few weeks of summer have been anything but slow and peaceful. It's been a whirlwind of activity, and I'm beat.

Swim lessons, gymnastics, teaching on Mondays, hanging out with friends (yay!), friends moving back, birthday parties (planning and attending)...

Oh yeah...

And I'm going to have a bathroom again!

Thanks, Chris. You know we love you.

Anywho, I think I'm going to crash so I can actually make it to Pilates in the morning. Otherwise I'll start showing that bag of Fritos and bean dip I just snarfed.

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