24 September 2006

Pics of the Kids

Back in late June I promised SP that I would upload a picture of the sandcastle Bundt pan we got from Williams-Sonoma. Sorry it's taken so long, my intermediate-user mentality overrode my common sense, and today I figured out that I have a USB media thingie (yes, that's the technical term) that I can put my memory stick in to upload my pictures until I find the sync cable for my camera. This is why I normally leave the computer stuff up to my husband.


For my family that reads this blog, here's some recent pictures of the kids for you as well.



lisa said...

Love the castle! I have a wonderful pound cake recipe( my grandmothers) that would work perfectly for that I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

I had to go buy the pan after you talked about it and it hasn't even been used here yet! Wow! What a cake! And what beautiful children, Jen, chips off a very sweet block.

Cake and kids, I love this post. :)

Jen said...

Lisa, if you'd like to share that pound cake recipe I would be eternally grateful!