05 October 2006

The Difference Between Boys and Girls

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I have figured it out!

No, really...

My husband is an excellent father. He loves to play with his children, and encourages them to use their imagination. He's also a boy.

When my daughter came to him with a dish towel, he did the "daddy thing" and tied it with a bread tie around her neck. She took it off and said, "No, daddy, not like that!" He was flabbergasted. What in the world was she talking about?

I leaned over and supplied the answer...

Honey, she doesn't want a superhero cape. She wants an apron.

And the crowd roars with laughter.


Library Goddess said...

Boys will be boys...girls will be princesses (or gourmet cooks, depending on how the towel is tied...)

lisa said...

So true! How cool is it the way our differences (boys/girls) compliment each other.

Unknown said...