02 March 2007

I get the overwhelming sense that I'm not taking care of things the way I should. Is it a psychological disease to think that you're constantly not doing good enough, or is it just society making me feel like I have to be perfect? Maintain the perfect house, have perfect children, have the perfect body, the perfect business, the perfect marriage. I have none of the above.

My poor floor hasn't seen a mop in three weeks. Frankly, it even disgusts me, and after three dogs and two children it takes more than you probably think to accomplish that. I'm glad my kids are past the eating-off-the-floor stage. Gotta take care of that this weekend. The house is constantly torn apart over and over again. Really, though, if you can get past the construction zones it's not half bad.

My children are great and I love them, but they sure do test my limits. Constant fighting. Throwing fits. Disobedience. They get into everything. I mean EVERYTHING. Accidents on the part of my 4-year-old and a complete unwillingness to potty train at all in my 2-year-old. I hope these qualities will one day turn into passionate curiosity that will lead to the cure of cancer.

My body... errr... nope. Not gonna go there.

My business is great, I just don't have time to work it the way I should, and when I do have time I'm so darned tired from everything else. But I make myself do it anyway, and I DO enjoy it. But I know why I'm not where I want to be and all the fingers point back to me. No excuses, right? I know.

My marriage? Let's just say the other half is in the other room playing WoW, and we've got our problems. I'm trying to work on them, but sometimes I get so aggravated I just want to scream and yell, which isn't really my personality at all.

So there you have it. Jen is human after all. I know you've been wondering. And I don't really have a right to complain. So many others have it so much worse than me. I just feel such... pressure. To be the best I can be, to go above and beyond in everything I do, and it's simply not possible to achieve everything. I'd need another five lifetimes for that.

I'm going to keep on truckin', though. Come hell or high water I will keep going. Because, you see, that's just what I DO... I'm a steady plodder. The Energizer Bunny. I just keep going.

And maybe, one day, if I just keep going long enough, my life will resemble a little bit of perfection.

And maybe I just watch too many movies...


Library Goddess said...

Sweetie-pea...don't look for perfection. It isn't there. Look for the joys. They ARE there. Trust me. I'm the Mom.

Unknown said...

Yo mama's right...you classic first born daughter. Don't sweat the stuff that isn't gonna matter in the long run and figure out how to have fun with the stuff that is in the mean time.....how's that for some vague yet philosophical advice? :D