27 February 2007

I'm feeling very mellow today. Actually, mellow is just a great way to put trampled. I had three sneezing fits due to marvelous Houstonian allergies, my eyes are puffy, my nose is runny, and I can't wait for the Claritin to kick in.

Oh, and I found out a friend of mine died. That might have something to do with the trampled (mellow) feeling. She was so young, but she lived such a hard life. As another dear friend told me today, "You can't feel sorry for a Christian that dies. They're in a much happier place than we are." I can just see her dancing at the throne of Christ, fully restored in body and a full head of hair... and her beautiful smile lighting up God's face. And I'm happy for her, because her suffering is over.

But at least I have Peanut Butter Kisses. Mmmmmm.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey, Jen, I heard about the friend today, too. I didn't know you knew her, though. So sad, but I agree - she's in a much better place and her suffering is over! The Lord is good, even when we don't understand it all. Enjoy those Peanut Butter Kisses; I think I need to find my peanut butter girl scout cookies!