19 September 2007


I was at peace. Relaxed, absorbed. Completely in "the zone." I was lost in a world where only beauty and harmony exists. Even the dissonance was beautiful, and the chords resonated deep within my soul. I was floating in a surreal world where everything was perfect, and I hadn't a care in the world. Humanity was laid bare before me and explained in minor thirds and German fifths.

There was a strange sound, inhuman and alien in my perfected state. What was that? I tried to ignore it, but it grew louder until my attention was pulled away from my reverie. Water?? I had to stop whatever it was that was interrupting my dance in this world.

Suddenly my eyes focused, the reverie broken. I realized it's the sound of a toilet flushing. Apparently my daughter was up, and listening in, and had to use the bathroom. I had been in such a trance while playing the piano that I hadn't even noticed her sitting there behind me. I usually save my playing time for after they go to bed, so I'm not having to fight for bench space, keyboard space, or break up fights while I'm trying to play (although I have done this several times anyway, and Mrs. Anita's competition training came in handy during these times). In a very unusual circumstance, maybe out of unconscious respect for my state of mind, she had been very quiet and hadn't interrupted.

Now my daughter was eagerly looking at me. Her eyes were wide with a spark that told me that one day she could experience the same escape. I want that for her. "That was pretty, Mommy. I wanna play, too."

So yesterday I gave Iz her first piano lesson. I am so proud.

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