04 November 2007

Mass Attack

I've recently become addicted to ---> this game <--- . Click on "Play" on the right-hand side near the top. It's so... addicting. Such a silly pasttime, and such a silly addiction. It's a flash game, for crying out loud! With really idiotic music that I can't get out of my head! Errrrr!

And yes, Bridget, I'm trying very hard to achieve the NaNoWriMo challenge (or is it NaNoBloMo?). Even though I'm not Canadian. Does it still count? :)

Yesterday Bry was sick, today I am. And I still can't get off this stupid game so I can go to bed. At least I'm feeling better, and I'm not about to pass out in my desk chair. That was rather amusing, earlier.

Last night I spent the night with Steph again, and we ended up drinking beer around a bonfire and playing Truth or Dare. This is a game I haven't played since grade school. My husband looked at me crossways when I told him this. I had to assure him that unlike the gradeschool version, this one didn't include any kind of makeout sessions. Some highlights included Steph chugging her beer and then attempting a cartwheel, me sliding down the kids' slide with a leg in the air, and Chris doing push-ups while saying "My booty's so hot!" Which wouldn't have been near as funny if he hadn't put such emotion behind it. We were rolling with laughter way before he'd hit the end of his dare.

I think I'm going to try to go to bed now. Good night!

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