30 May 2006


I forgot to tell you...

The big secret is that Em is preggo!!! Yay for Em! Now the morning sickness starts, but eventually there will be a new baby, which is always such a fun blessing!!!

I can't wait!

26 May 2006

God Does Indeed Have a Sense of Humor


I got stopped by a train yesterday on my way home. I've heard it said that when you're in a rush, and things keep holding you up, maybe God is trying to tell you something, and you should probably stop and listen.

So I decided to ask God a question, since he's the all-knowing Father and all. Be honest, God, I can handle it... will I be a Director by the end of this month?

The whole game now was to count the train cars, saying "Yes... No... Maybe so..." I remember doing this at band camp. And one day, at band camp...

I digress yet again. Dangit.

Every day at band camp, a train would roll by. It was so close to the school that you couldn't hear any instructions, so we all took a break. I would stand with my color guard (I was the captain 2 years) and we would count the cars, with a pre-asked question in mind. "Will Joey ask Becky to the Homecoming Dance?"

It may sound silly, but I believe sometimes God will answer questions this way. He knows our needs before we have them, and I've experienced it before. When we bought our house a few years ago, we didn't have any money... at all. We were broke and desperate for this house. We prayed about it, and gave it to God. We determined that if God wanted us to have this house, it would be Him that would make it happen, because we had no way. We needed $1000 for earnest money, and that was impossible, especially since our savings was nonexistent. The next day we received a letter in the mail from hubby's step-grandfather, who said his uncle had died and left him a hefty inheritance. While he was not a biological grandchild, he felt that hubby was still as much a grandson as his others, so he was giving him his fair share of it. Enclosed was a check for exactly $1000. We closed on our house and moved in a little over one week later.

So, I believe that God knows our needs and sets them in motion before we ask for them. He has always taken care of my needs, even if I forget to ask. That check had to have been mailed days before we received it.

I don't believe God works in neon signs to direct us, and most of the time not speaking directly to us. Although I've had that happen, too. But only once. So, it's fair to think that he would line up the number of cars in a train to answer my question, right?

After about 15 minutes of counting, the last car drove by. Yes, no, maybe so, yes, no, maybe so, yes, no, maybe so, yes, no...

Maybe so...

Hardy har har.

5 days and counting.

God Does Indeed Have a Sense of Humor II

Wow. For some reason it duplicated my God Has a Sense of Humor Post. I wish I could duplicate team members like that.

21 May 2006

It Just Makes You Sick

This weekend has been all about my poor sick baby boy. He can't seem to hold anything down (even water) or in. Maybe a stomach virus?

I know, that's just what you were praying for on a Sunday morning... poop stories!

He's spent most of the weekend cuddling me or Daddy, which means hubby and I got thrown up on a few times. This seems to be a group-wide problem. My friend monkeyboolala told me her kids were throwing up last week, hufflebinks said that her kids were displaying some symptoms like my boy did before he began throwing up, and preggo posted on her blog that she had to leave church because her little one started throwing up. I'm trying to remember when we were all together that we might have caught something, and I'm thinking it was the garage sale. You know, the one where I got my new pink flip-flops?

Baby boy has been fiercely cuddling me all morning, and after being thrown up on A LOT we both took a shower. I laid him in my bed to check my e-mail and he fell asleep. That's how listless he is today, and he's running a low-grade fever. I think I'm going to call the doctor and set an appointment for tomorrow. And the nurse, just to see if she's noticed anything going around. We have a 24/7 hotline. Isn't that convenient?

So, I've been the ultimate procrastinator of procrastinators, and I have some tags to take care of before people from Canada, Arizona, and God knows where else come to kick my butt.

Spam Haiku (as you recall,
I'm an expert at Haiku... haha!)
by Jennifer Siler

I can't comprehend...
Songs made for your enjoyment
Much ado with you!

And another tag:

1. What's your favorite color?
Well, ultimately I'd still have to say blue, especially royal tones, more red tones than yellow. A close second is the color of the sky in Texas on a summer day. I've taken to pink lately, and of the shades I definitely prefer the lighter baby pink. It's growing on me.

2. What do you want to do? Why are you working on what you want to become?
I desire to be a Mary Kay National Sales Director. I believe this would allow my family the financial freedom and the flexibility with time to make the most of our time and our relationships. My husband can quit his job, we can all be home, we'll have the energy to homeschool, and the ability to travel like we've always wanted to. Plus, it secures our future as far as college education expenses and retirement. I enjoy doing something that I know not only helps other women either gain confidence in their own beauty, but gives them an opportunity for financial freedom or a backup plan. It's made me see the beauty in every woman, and I rarely see a woman now that I think isn't beautiful, and usually it has to do more with her inside than her outside. A woman who may not be a model or have a traditional "beauty" may have great skin, an incredible smile, or eyes that sparkle with the love of a pure heart.

3. What do you want me to go away knowing about you?
That I love fiercely, whether it be my God, my family, or my friends. That I don't have a tolerance for pettiness, chronic laziness, or manipulation. That I'm not perfect and I never will be, but that won't stop me from striving to become what I was created to become.

4. What is your biggest fear?
Two... something happening to my children (I can't even think about it, it makes me hyperventilate) or my husband. Of growing old alone because of something I had no control over.

5. Do you always tell the truth no matter what the cost?
Ouch. I'd like to say yes, but that would be a lie, which is contradictory to the point of this question. That's what I want you to think of me, but the fact is that sometimes I'll tell white lies or the lie of slight omission because the truth of my thoughts isn't pretty, necessary, or uplifting. And I'm working on that, making my thoughts mirror my words, especially in the uplifting department. Unfortunately, I am fallen like the rest of the world, but I land in the protective blanket of God's forgiveness.

18 May 2006

And the Beat Goes On

I love it when Nationals come in town. They always make me want to be a National. I guess that's the point, but they're inspiring nontheless. So, because of my state of inspiredness, I get to make 37 phone calls, conduct 2 interviews, and visit 3 of my team members tomorrow in addition to my usual shenanigans.

Sounds like fun, huh?

Thirteen days and counting. Please be praying, and if you know of anyone who needs some extra cash with a side business, please let me know!!!

14 May 2006

On a Clear Weekend You Can See Forever


I've had a very nice weekend.

Friday when hubby got home, we walked to the playground with the kids and let them play for a while. Saturday morning we got up and went around to garage sales. I found some boxes to use as gift boxes for my business, and a 1930's silver washtub for $2. I was thinking of using it as a planter in my front yard, because there's one small patch in my lanscaping box that receives direct sun most of the day, the rest is shaded by the house. I was thinking I'd put it there, replace the old wood logs with red and white bricks, and have the washtub sitting in the sun as a cute flowerbed for direct-sun flowers. The rest I'm just going to do bushes, so that will give our yard a little color, and it will only be a small area that will need new flowers each season, not a whole patch of yard. At a sale my friends were running, I inherited three decorative scarves ('cause let's face it, you don't really need a scarf for warmth in Houston), a pair of pink jeweled flip-flops (yay!) and a pink, white, and gray tweed business jacket. Apparently they saw it and thought of me. I've also been informed that the sight of anything pink reminds them of me. I don't try, honest, but you do get obsessed after a while.

We cut Ovaltine out of the Iz's diet to see if the sugar is what's making her so moody. She and sugar don't get along sometimes, but we'll see how she does with no Ovaltine. She's been addicted since she was one. I'm expecting withdrawal to begin shortly after lunch today.

Then I went to network and found curtains for the loft, two new pairs of shoes, a kite for the kids with Bob and Larry on it, and a circle sprinkler for the kids for the back yard. AND I met a beautiful woman who is getting married in July, needs someone to do the makeup, and has TEN bridesmaids who will all need makeup, too. According to her, they don't wear makeup, no one has any, so they'll all need some. Cha-ching.

I refrained from doing the happy dance until I was out of her sight, but the poor woman getting some frozen peas probably thought I'd lost my mind.

Lunch was roast beef and cajun turkey on 7-grain wheat bread with colby jack, romaine, and honey mustard, along with a spring-mix salad with peanuts, sesame seeds, bacon, carrots, and a blush wine vinaigrette. Healthy and yummy. Potor could've described it better, though.

We went swimming yesterday afternoon, and we're teaching my daughter to swim without a life vest, and my son to swim period. It was tons of fun. And maybe my legs got a little sun so I won't blind people next time I go. Actually, I tend to just freckle. Maybe if I go enough the freckles will join together and I'll actually have a tan for once in my life.

Woke up this morning to a bagel with cream cheese, orange juice, and eggs with pesto seasoning, ham, and mozzarella. The best part? I didn't cook it. The kids presented me with a homemade pasta necklace and a card with a bar of my favorite - Ghiradelli extra dark chocolate. I am officially a member of the Pasta Necklace Club! I couldn't be happier. I thought it would be a few years before I was initiated, but not so!!! Oh, the small joys of life.

Church was superior. The sermon was on women living up to everything that God has created us to be. We received a copy of Nice Girls Don't Change the World as a Mother's Day gift. As I was driving home with the windows rolled down, a stranger in the car next to me at a stop light told me Happy Mother's Day.

And more than anything, I am blessed to know that I am appreciated and loved. With my children, I can stop mountains of tears by holding them, stop the pain of an injury with a kiss, fix a broken toy in a single bound. With my husband, I can change a bad day to good with a smile and a kiss, build his honor with my character, and fulfill his needs simply by performing my duties with love. With my friends, I can listen and advise and pray and love. With a stranger, I can bring Christ's love and mercy.

Happy Mother's Day!

Sorry if this post seems a little unorganized. It is, and it's because there's so much going on and I don't really have time to post it all separately, so this post became a catch-all.

12 May 2006

I have a secret

I've got something in my pocket, it belongs across my face, I keep it very close to me in a most peculiar place. I know you'll never guess it if you guess a long long while...

I digress.

I have a secret. And I can only tell my husband. Drat. I can keep secrets, I just don't like to. And no, it has nothing to do with me (thankfully... haha!).

Can YOU keep a secret?

So can I.

I'll think about telling you later once I'm given the OK.

08 May 2006

Too Much Sometimes

There's something about the business I'm in that makes you realize a lot of ugly truths about the world. Maybe it's the fact that I'm not a priority to people, so I get to see the "real" them, not the face they put on for people they like. I get to see the person they don't show their friends. I'd like to say that everybody's nice, but that's simply not true. Everyone tries to be nice, but I've noticed that in the south people just have a hard time saying "no" because they're trying to be nice. They still don't want to do it, and instead of being honest while still being nice, they simply lead you on for months or stop taking phone calls or get so frustrated that they end up yelling at you. A whole state of bottlers, that's what we are. Hold it in until you explode.

The worst of it is that I'm having to learn the hard way about some of my friends. Not all of them, but a good bit of them. Say they'll help with all the best intentions, I'm sure, but put me off until deadlines have passed and I'm stuck in the mud because I took her at her word. I've had a good friend put off a promise since January. She still hasn't done it. Where do you think I am on her priority list? Pretty darn far down. Ugly truth.

The lesson, though, is not just about ugly truths. It's about forgiveness. It seems almost impossible to do, but I've had to learn God's forgiveness for the people of the world. Yes, they lie to me, cheat me, do stupid things to me, and basically treat me like I'm on this earth simply to take a beating from them, but all in all, they're human and therefore simply not perfect (and neither am I). If I hadn't learned forgiveness, what a horrible state of depression I'd be in. I consider it simply a sign of the ruler of this world, and it makes me long for the ultimate ruler to take over. It makes me sad that human relations have come to this. It makes me praise God for the way he works when I find a truly reliable, honest, committed friend (99 times out of 100 the true friends are deeply Christian). I hang on to her or him for dear life. And it has made me turn inward and become more aware of myself in this regard. Do I tell someone "yes" when I mean "no" and then put them off because I didn't really want to do it in the first place? Am I being compassionate to my friends, returning their phone calls and offering sincerity, even when they don't do the same for me? Am I being a blessing to them, or a bother? Do I follow through on commitments I've made?

They told me that being in this business would build my integrity and honesty, but they didn't tell me that it was because I would get so fed up of other people not having integrity and honesty.

Hopefully those questions I can always answer "yes" to. But I, too, am human and therefore subject to falling in the trap of selfishness. Luckily God sees past all that and loves me just for being me, faults and all. And I know I can always count on Him to remain faithful and be honest with me, even when my human friends fail to.

Thank you, God, for setting such a perfect example of how to be a good friend.

05 May 2006

JEN - Sloganized

Blatantly stolen from Christian's blog, my name sloganized:

I'd Like to Buy the World a Jen.

Hers was "Go On, Get Your Christian Out." Cute!

01 May 2006

Not a Morning Person

This year has been one of self-realization. Well, not really. I've known these things, but now I have a place to post them and talk about them. It's like meeting a new person... it opens a new world of joy for you because the stories that are old and tired with your old friends have never been heard by your new friend. Suddenly, once again, you're funny and interesting.

So... with this in mind:


Really, though, I'm not a morning person. I find myself grumpily rolling out of bed each morning way too early to two alarms with no snooze button. If I let myself have my way, I'm in my pajamas until after 9:00, even when I'm doing things. I feel like I could fall asleep again at any moment until about 10:00.

Mary Kay Ash truly was a smart woman. In her book Miracles Do Happen, she talks about being a "5 o'clock consultant." These women wake up at 5 AM every morning and get ready like they're going to go out. They then work until their families wake up and are extremely productive. She encourages all of her serious consultants to be 5 o'clockers. I know this works. When I wake up and immediately get in the shower, I feel refreshed and awake, even if I haven't had enough sleep. I can see how I'd be more productive if I'd just get in the shower as soon as I wake up, but there's no way it would be 5 AM. I'd have nothing I could reasonably do except paperwork. There isn't anyone I can call at 5 AM that wouldn't hire a hit man, save my friend in Thailand, where it would be 5 PM, but that would be a personal call, not a business call.

I even considered beginning to run again, like I did in college for my Phys Ed class. Ha! Yeah, me running. I had it all worked out, though. I was going to wake up with my husband and go running while he got ready for work, so someone would be in the house with the kids. I've tried running during the day, but the kids can only take about 10 minutes of it before they're climbing out of the stroller while I'm running. And it's too hot here. It would have to be early. Plus, I know myself well enough to admit that I'd do it for one day and not have the motivation to do it again. And then I'd have bought all the nice running gear that would never be used but couldn't be returned because I'd worn it once and sweated in it. So I figure I'm saving myself lots of money by using this self-realization.

I'd like to exercise but I can't afford the gym or a treadmill. The treadmill is definitely something I would use, though. I've always loved running on them for some reason. Running in an air-conditioned environment? Yeah, I'm spoiled. I guess I'll just have to wait until I'm a rich and famous Executive Director, and then I'll join a gym.

It's 9:53, I'm being especially lazy this morning, so I guess I'll go change out of my pajamas now.