26 May 2006

God Does Indeed Have a Sense of Humor


I got stopped by a train yesterday on my way home. I've heard it said that when you're in a rush, and things keep holding you up, maybe God is trying to tell you something, and you should probably stop and listen.

So I decided to ask God a question, since he's the all-knowing Father and all. Be honest, God, I can handle it... will I be a Director by the end of this month?

The whole game now was to count the train cars, saying "Yes... No... Maybe so..." I remember doing this at band camp. And one day, at band camp...

I digress yet again. Dangit.

Every day at band camp, a train would roll by. It was so close to the school that you couldn't hear any instructions, so we all took a break. I would stand with my color guard (I was the captain 2 years) and we would count the cars, with a pre-asked question in mind. "Will Joey ask Becky to the Homecoming Dance?"

It may sound silly, but I believe sometimes God will answer questions this way. He knows our needs before we have them, and I've experienced it before. When we bought our house a few years ago, we didn't have any money... at all. We were broke and desperate for this house. We prayed about it, and gave it to God. We determined that if God wanted us to have this house, it would be Him that would make it happen, because we had no way. We needed $1000 for earnest money, and that was impossible, especially since our savings was nonexistent. The next day we received a letter in the mail from hubby's step-grandfather, who said his uncle had died and left him a hefty inheritance. While he was not a biological grandchild, he felt that hubby was still as much a grandson as his others, so he was giving him his fair share of it. Enclosed was a check for exactly $1000. We closed on our house and moved in a little over one week later.

So, I believe that God knows our needs and sets them in motion before we ask for them. He has always taken care of my needs, even if I forget to ask. That check had to have been mailed days before we received it.

I don't believe God works in neon signs to direct us, and most of the time not speaking directly to us. Although I've had that happen, too. But only once. So, it's fair to think that he would line up the number of cars in a train to answer my question, right?

After about 15 minutes of counting, the last car drove by. Yes, no, maybe so, yes, no, maybe so, yes, no, maybe so, yes, no...

Maybe so...

Hardy har har.

5 days and counting.


Library Goddess said...

Yes...no...maybe so...Just be sure to temper this with a healthy dose of practicality! Look at the reality of the situation, then you'll know the answer to your question. God deals with practical things, too. But most of all, remember that no matter what, we all still love you! Whether it happens now or happens later...

lisa said...

Go in God speed, He is good!

Bridget M. said...

two more sleeps now.

Funny about the counting and asking for help. Growing up I felt as if asking God for help or for certain things was absolutely shameful. And it's still tough for me to acknowledge his hand in everyday matters.

Good luck Jen! I'm so rooting for your successes always! XOX