14 May 2006

On a Clear Weekend You Can See Forever


I've had a very nice weekend.

Friday when hubby got home, we walked to the playground with the kids and let them play for a while. Saturday morning we got up and went around to garage sales. I found some boxes to use as gift boxes for my business, and a 1930's silver washtub for $2. I was thinking of using it as a planter in my front yard, because there's one small patch in my lanscaping box that receives direct sun most of the day, the rest is shaded by the house. I was thinking I'd put it there, replace the old wood logs with red and white bricks, and have the washtub sitting in the sun as a cute flowerbed for direct-sun flowers. The rest I'm just going to do bushes, so that will give our yard a little color, and it will only be a small area that will need new flowers each season, not a whole patch of yard. At a sale my friends were running, I inherited three decorative scarves ('cause let's face it, you don't really need a scarf for warmth in Houston), a pair of pink jeweled flip-flops (yay!) and a pink, white, and gray tweed business jacket. Apparently they saw it and thought of me. I've also been informed that the sight of anything pink reminds them of me. I don't try, honest, but you do get obsessed after a while.

We cut Ovaltine out of the Iz's diet to see if the sugar is what's making her so moody. She and sugar don't get along sometimes, but we'll see how she does with no Ovaltine. She's been addicted since she was one. I'm expecting withdrawal to begin shortly after lunch today.

Then I went to network and found curtains for the loft, two new pairs of shoes, a kite for the kids with Bob and Larry on it, and a circle sprinkler for the kids for the back yard. AND I met a beautiful woman who is getting married in July, needs someone to do the makeup, and has TEN bridesmaids who will all need makeup, too. According to her, they don't wear makeup, no one has any, so they'll all need some. Cha-ching.

I refrained from doing the happy dance until I was out of her sight, but the poor woman getting some frozen peas probably thought I'd lost my mind.

Lunch was roast beef and cajun turkey on 7-grain wheat bread with colby jack, romaine, and honey mustard, along with a spring-mix salad with peanuts, sesame seeds, bacon, carrots, and a blush wine vinaigrette. Healthy and yummy. Potor could've described it better, though.

We went swimming yesterday afternoon, and we're teaching my daughter to swim without a life vest, and my son to swim period. It was tons of fun. And maybe my legs got a little sun so I won't blind people next time I go. Actually, I tend to just freckle. Maybe if I go enough the freckles will join together and I'll actually have a tan for once in my life.

Woke up this morning to a bagel with cream cheese, orange juice, and eggs with pesto seasoning, ham, and mozzarella. The best part? I didn't cook it. The kids presented me with a homemade pasta necklace and a card with a bar of my favorite - Ghiradelli extra dark chocolate. I am officially a member of the Pasta Necklace Club! I couldn't be happier. I thought it would be a few years before I was initiated, but not so!!! Oh, the small joys of life.

Church was superior. The sermon was on women living up to everything that God has created us to be. We received a copy of Nice Girls Don't Change the World as a Mother's Day gift. As I was driving home with the windows rolled down, a stranger in the car next to me at a stop light told me Happy Mother's Day.

And more than anything, I am blessed to know that I am appreciated and loved. With my children, I can stop mountains of tears by holding them, stop the pain of an injury with a kiss, fix a broken toy in a single bound. With my husband, I can change a bad day to good with a smile and a kiss, build his honor with my character, and fulfill his needs simply by performing my duties with love. With my friends, I can listen and advise and pray and love. With a stranger, I can bring Christ's love and mercy.

Happy Mother's Day!

Sorry if this post seems a little unorganized. It is, and it's because there's so much going on and I don't really have time to post it all separately, so this post became a catch-all.


Anonymous said...

Happy Mother's Day, Jen! I'm so glad you had such a beautiful weekend!

lisa said...

Yay!!! for Mothers!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I totally love Bob and Larry. They make me laugh out loud.

Bridget M. said...

What a beautiful post Jen! Happy Mother's Day!

Library Goddess said...

Happy Momma's Day to my favorite daughter! From the mama that started it all...Love you!