19 June 2006



So much in life is centered around money. People devote most of their lives to making it, commit crimes to obtain it, get divorced over it... you name it, people have probably done it in the name of more money.

Does this make money a god?

Yes, that was a hypothetical question.

Money is the most common idol that we as Christians take. And unfortunately, I have fallen into this trap. Because I'm a worrier, I worry about our finances constantly. What can we do to make more money? We need more money to pay off our debt, we need more money to give our kids the things we want them to be able to have.

I don't remember the exact verse (someone please point it out to me), but there is a verse that says that you cannot serve two masters, you will love one and hate the other. You cannot serve God and money.

And, since this is the year of revelations for me, I am constantly coming to the conviction that I need to just stop worrying and hand it to God. I work myself into quite a tizzy when I worry over money, because the numbers don't add up. It's scary.

You know, Judas sold out Jesus for money.

There are also about 2,350 verses in the Bible that talk about money and the way we should handle it. Wasn't God awesome to forsee what a huge impact those little green pieces of paper would have on our lives?

So, I've asked God for peace in our financial crises, as they are, and He's been very faithful in delivering that peace. I know if I remain faithful to my duties as a steward, everything will fall into place. But I'm not a patient person, and I don't like waiting.

Which is something else to work on.


lisa said...

I think you are talking about Matt. 6:24. I struggle with finding peace with financial matters also. Even though I know He is Faithful.

Jen said...

You rock! It was Matthew 6:24!

Library Goddess said...

Money worries are destructive to many relationships, as we discussed on the phone the other evening. Try to focus on your love for each other, your love for your beautiful children, and your faith in God. And haven't you and I learned through personal experience that God has His finger in our pie? Trust Him...it will all come together in spite of your worries! I love you!!!!