27 February 2007

I'm feeling very mellow today. Actually, mellow is just a great way to put trampled. I had three sneezing fits due to marvelous Houstonian allergies, my eyes are puffy, my nose is runny, and I can't wait for the Claritin to kick in.

Oh, and I found out a friend of mine died. That might have something to do with the trampled (mellow) feeling. She was so young, but she lived such a hard life. As another dear friend told me today, "You can't feel sorry for a Christian that dies. They're in a much happier place than we are." I can just see her dancing at the throne of Christ, fully restored in body and a full head of hair... and her beautiful smile lighting up God's face. And I'm happy for her, because her suffering is over.

But at least I have Peanut Butter Kisses. Mmmmmm.

24 February 2007


Having a headache for two days straight cannot stop the feeling.

I remember telling you guys about how a new haircut can make you feel. Human again. Pretty nails, pretty hair, clear skin. Ah, the simple pleasures of a woman. When I come out of the salon my stomach is flatter, my lipstick is redder, my eyes are bluer, and my hair is something off of a Pantene commercial. I feel downright sexy.

So today I got it cut in a cute little bob with layers around my face. Bangs without bangs. My hair's so now.

And despite the fact that this month has totally gone down the drain with my business, I just can't lose that feeling. And I don't particularly want to, either. It's so nice to feel beautiful. I almost don't want to go to bed, because then I'll mess it up.

Things are looking promising on the financial front (thanks, Mom!). We're taking care of stuff and knocking out the problems one by one. The devil can't keep us down for long. Screw you, Satan. I got my Jesus and my Momma watchin' my back!

It also helps that we went to a credit counseling service today, and they can get us out of debt in a lot less time than we could ourselves. Now we have a plan. And anyone that knows me knows that I thrive on PLANS. I need a plan of action, an ETA, a light at the end of the tunnel, to keep me going. It looks like almost 5 years, but that's only if we pay the minimum. And I'm just not a minimum kind of girl.

The credit counselor told us we weren't spending near enough on entertainment. Ha! Shopping is my entertainment. But that goes under clothing and miscellaneous, not entertainment. I'm redoing the budget to include a couple of bucks a month just for ME. Sounds nice, doesn't it? I wonder what I'll do with it? Paint pottery? Lunch with the girls? New shoes? The possibilities are endless. Of course, I don't tend to spend a whole lot on myself, because my main thing is that I want to be out of debt so I can hire a maid. No more scrubbing baseboards for Jen!!! Now THAT is the light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm willing to sacrifice a few marble macchiatos to get it.

We've also been talking about how we'd like to move. Maybe not out of the area, but find a newer house that doesn't need as much work. Of course, that means fixing the one we've got. Why does everything have to do with money? I guess I'm upping the home maintenance budget, too! Maybe in a few months I'll have a master bathroom again.

I'm off to do the laundry. Too much of it needs to be folded and put away, and I've avoided it as long as humanly possible. Now I've got my work cut out for me, and just as much laundry waiting to be washed. If I were President I'd make a law against laundry. Yep, there you have it. My life's goal. I'll be the first woman President, and I'll be cherished forever in the memories of all women for eliminating laundry and house cleaning. Viva Jen!!!

19 February 2007


First off, sorry for the long-time-no-post thing. I'm trying to be better, I really am.

red wine

For Valentine's Day, my husband and I both had the idea to revive Red, Red Wine Night. This was a weekly tradition before kids. Every Friday night we'd have a bottle of red wine, watch a movie together, and just... be. It was always perfect. We both bought each other a bottle of red wine. I also got him his favorite new snack, Amaretto Milanos, and he wrote me the most beautiful poem I've ever read in my life.

What makes you so, a gentle Lady of uncommon form?
Why does not the world tear you down? Even rocks erode by the tide.
None would fault the hardness of time on you,
But the expectation goes unfulfilled.
Gracefulness begets grace.

I would joyfully reprint the whole thing, but I think he'd kill me. Still, it made me cry, it was so beautiful. I called my best friend and read it to her before I was aware that it was supposed to be a secret... oops.

We then proceeded to get completely snockered off of one little bottle of Merlot, because neither of us has had wine in a while, and we didn't sip it, we downed the whole thing. Good thing the kids were in bed.

Ah, but a wine buzz is warm and pleasant at least.

Other than that beautiful evening, I have been dealing with various mishaps that have come about in the house. Water line leak here, quadruple electric bill there. You know, that kind of stuff. We're dealing with it, and thankfully the Crown course I'm leading right now has given us a lot of perspective that has been helpful in keeping our thoughts where they should be. I know we'll get through this. I just remember commenting that it was one more hurdle that we'll make it over, just like the ones behind us, and I'm sure the ones in front of us.

He then replied that all he wanted was to be a sprinter instead of a hurtler.

Wouldn't we all... wouldn't we all...

06 February 2007


Turn that dial all the way
Shoot me like a rocket into space
Lovin' every minute of it
Lovin' every minute of it

Heard that song on the way home from my meeting tonight, where I decided it had been a beautifully perfect day. Three of my five guests came, and all three signed up for the business. Thank you, Christine. You're always an inspiration for anyone who has the heart to dream. I just bronze-medaled in one night. Go me!

Oh, and my degree arrived today, too. I officially am gradumacated, and I have a paper to prove it. Haha.

Plus, the outlook for February is positive and busy busy busy! And it helps that I'm in a generally good mood.

Welcome back to DIQ

Well, things have been going well. Thanks, Lisa, for reminding me to update! I can get lost in the shuffle sometimes.

The month is picking up quickly. I'm excited that my business is taking off and I'm having to work hard just to keep up with it. The gym has been irreplaceable for me in finding new leads. From it came four of the five guests I have coming to the National Sales Director event tonight. I officially submit on the 8th, so starting off with a couple of new recruits would be great.

My weeks have been booked solid with appointments and phone calls, and that is the way it should be in this business. I'm constantly booking, calling, facialing, and talking about the business. I'm surrounded by a pink bubble and I pray it doesn't burst for another couple of months.

Your prayers are always appreciated and welcome. This is probably the biggest hurdle for a consultant, other than from Director to National. I have the drive, so please pray for the consistency and the stamina to keep up with it.

Wish me luck tonight, I'm off to the races!