24 February 2007


Having a headache for two days straight cannot stop the feeling.

I remember telling you guys about how a new haircut can make you feel. Human again. Pretty nails, pretty hair, clear skin. Ah, the simple pleasures of a woman. When I come out of the salon my stomach is flatter, my lipstick is redder, my eyes are bluer, and my hair is something off of a Pantene commercial. I feel downright sexy.

So today I got it cut in a cute little bob with layers around my face. Bangs without bangs. My hair's so now.

And despite the fact that this month has totally gone down the drain with my business, I just can't lose that feeling. And I don't particularly want to, either. It's so nice to feel beautiful. I almost don't want to go to bed, because then I'll mess it up.

Things are looking promising on the financial front (thanks, Mom!). We're taking care of stuff and knocking out the problems one by one. The devil can't keep us down for long. Screw you, Satan. I got my Jesus and my Momma watchin' my back!

It also helps that we went to a credit counseling service today, and they can get us out of debt in a lot less time than we could ourselves. Now we have a plan. And anyone that knows me knows that I thrive on PLANS. I need a plan of action, an ETA, a light at the end of the tunnel, to keep me going. It looks like almost 5 years, but that's only if we pay the minimum. And I'm just not a minimum kind of girl.

The credit counselor told us we weren't spending near enough on entertainment. Ha! Shopping is my entertainment. But that goes under clothing and miscellaneous, not entertainment. I'm redoing the budget to include a couple of bucks a month just for ME. Sounds nice, doesn't it? I wonder what I'll do with it? Paint pottery? Lunch with the girls? New shoes? The possibilities are endless. Of course, I don't tend to spend a whole lot on myself, because my main thing is that I want to be out of debt so I can hire a maid. No more scrubbing baseboards for Jen!!! Now THAT is the light at the end of the tunnel, and I'm willing to sacrifice a few marble macchiatos to get it.

We've also been talking about how we'd like to move. Maybe not out of the area, but find a newer house that doesn't need as much work. Of course, that means fixing the one we've got. Why does everything have to do with money? I guess I'm upping the home maintenance budget, too! Maybe in a few months I'll have a master bathroom again.

I'm off to do the laundry. Too much of it needs to be folded and put away, and I've avoided it as long as humanly possible. Now I've got my work cut out for me, and just as much laundry waiting to be washed. If I were President I'd make a law against laundry. Yep, there you have it. My life's goal. I'll be the first woman President, and I'll be cherished forever in the memories of all women for eliminating laundry and house cleaning. Viva Jen!!!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I totally agree with your platform and would be more than willing to cast my vote in your favor.