19 February 2007


First off, sorry for the long-time-no-post thing. I'm trying to be better, I really am.

red wine

For Valentine's Day, my husband and I both had the idea to revive Red, Red Wine Night. This was a weekly tradition before kids. Every Friday night we'd have a bottle of red wine, watch a movie together, and just... be. It was always perfect. We both bought each other a bottle of red wine. I also got him his favorite new snack, Amaretto Milanos, and he wrote me the most beautiful poem I've ever read in my life.

What makes you so, a gentle Lady of uncommon form?
Why does not the world tear you down? Even rocks erode by the tide.
None would fault the hardness of time on you,
But the expectation goes unfulfilled.
Gracefulness begets grace.

I would joyfully reprint the whole thing, but I think he'd kill me. Still, it made me cry, it was so beautiful. I called my best friend and read it to her before I was aware that it was supposed to be a secret... oops.

We then proceeded to get completely snockered off of one little bottle of Merlot, because neither of us has had wine in a while, and we didn't sip it, we downed the whole thing. Good thing the kids were in bed.

Ah, but a wine buzz is warm and pleasant at least.

Other than that beautiful evening, I have been dealing with various mishaps that have come about in the house. Water line leak here, quadruple electric bill there. You know, that kind of stuff. We're dealing with it, and thankfully the Crown course I'm leading right now has given us a lot of perspective that has been helpful in keeping our thoughts where they should be. I know we'll get through this. I just remember commenting that it was one more hurdle that we'll make it over, just like the ones behind us, and I'm sure the ones in front of us.

He then replied that all he wanted was to be a sprinter instead of a hurtler.

Wouldn't we all... wouldn't we all...


lisa said...

Glad to hear you are hanging in there and keeping everything in perspective. Sometimes that can be the hardest part.

Jen said...

Yeah, sprinting through hurdles could be bad on the knees. You guys be careful!