03 November 2005

Bratwurst Surprise

It's that time again. Pull the belts tighter, Jen hasn't gone grocery shopping. That means that tonight for dinner, I had to shoot from the hip.

(I don't recommend trying this from home. Usually when I shoot from the hip, I break something valuable.)

So, after perusing the fridge for a while, I decided a casserole was my best option. I had leftover sausage and bratwurst from a cookout a few days ago... but what to go with it? My options were limited, but I figured I could easily scratch cream cheese and yogurt off the list. The pineapple looked promising, but I wasn't sure how it would go with cheese. You HAVE to have cheese on a casserole.

I stewed up some noodles, cut up the remaining bratwurst, and put together a "special sauce." This special sauce is a combination of pizza sauce and onion soup, so I'll let you know how it turns out. I'm not sure, I'm not brave enough to try it quite yet. I figured I'd let the baby be the guinea pig, he'll eat just about anything.

If I don't post tomorrow, you'll know it didn't go so well...

1 comment:

Jen said...

It wasn't me. It was the one-armed man!