21 January 2006

Seeing Red

Tonight my husband has my daughter and they went to my nephew's Christening out of town. That meant just me and my boy, lazing around all day watching soap operas and eating bon bons. Actually, poor pitiful me said to myself, "Wow, I have so much time I can REALLY clean up my kids' room!" I am so pathetic.

I did take some quality time to spend with a girlfriend I needed to catch up with, though. We live in the same neighborhood, so it's sad that we haven't spoken in a while. I actually really like hanging out with her, we're just both so busy...

So tonight we both had our boys. After a fish dinner (I can only have fish when hubby isn't around), we decided to make it a girls' night out. We watched a blatantly teeny-bopper feel-good coming-of-age flick, ate popcorn with M&Ms, and dyed our hair while drinking Jack n Dr. Pepper. What a girls' night!!! We didn't have to worry about her driving home, so what the hey!

When we went to go pick out the hair dye, I knew what color I wanted. I've always loved my hair a deep, rich auburn. Of course, that didn't stop me from drooling over about 20 other shades before I went right back to my original idea. That's pretty much habit with me. The funny thing is, she picked out the same color. None of this was planned. I wanted to go lighter and red, she wanted to go darker and red. And it actually does look different. Even though my hair looks lighter than it did before, it still looks darker than hers. At least we're not total Twinkies, just a couple of Ding-Dongs.

I wonder what my husband is going to think.

I hope my daughter recognizes me.

I need to go to bed before I pass out onto my keyboard.


Anonymous said...

So I can picture in my head (although this probably isn't how it went down) Bryan coming home late into the night, climbing into bed next to his sweet, good wife and smelling Jack, Dr. Pepper and sickly sweet hair dye. And thinking to himself, "Oh, man, do I want to wake up in the morning??"

Bridget M. said...

Sounds like a wild night!