04 January 2006

Ugh... New Year


You know, I promised myself that I wouldn't make a New Year's Resolution. I never keep them, so there is really no point. The darn thing came up anyway.

Today I began a cleaning routine. I always work better on routines. I even made a chart. How corny am I? I have my daily duties, and my weekly duties. The bigger stuff I'll just have to squeeze in, I'm not willing to totally commit to a schedule for them yet. I was even thinking of making a chart for the kids with their chores. Yes, I know they're 3 and 1, but they would be thrilled by it anyway. Just like Mommy. I'm so proud.

Wish me luck, so far I'm ahead, since tomorrow's weekly task was half done tonight. My hubby was at a bar with a friend, so I didn't really have anything better to do. How sad.


Unknown said...

Do you wear a smile like the illustration above when you clean?

Bridget M. said...

Don't be too hard on yourself! A 3 and a 1 year old is a lot to handle. I'm just getting around to cleaning a bit now and my two are 4.5 and 6! :)

Jen said...

Why yes, Potor, I do. And my butt is that big, too. ;)

Saltwater Princess, then you had your 2 kids as close as I had mine. Mine are 20 months apart. So far the schedule has worked a little, but not much. At least I have a plan. I'm a planning kinda person.