31 March 2006

Recipe for a Happy Birthday


1. Wake up to find out your husband has taken the day off of work to spend your birthday with you.
2. Get an excellent poached egg with blended shredded cheeses and pesto on toast for breakfast that you didn't have to make.
3. Leave the kids with the hubby and go get a very relaxing manicure and spa pedicure. Make sure they paint little flowers on your big toes just because it's your birthday.
4. Come back to one child napping, and have hubby dye your hair a sassy red for you.
5. Get loads of stuff done running errands with your hubby.
6. Hire a babysitter, then go out to dinner at your favorite restaurant with your favorite people (at least most of them).
7. Start the night off with a mango margarita with sugar on the rim, and pose as "Birthday Liberty" for a picture with margarita held high, present under the other arm, and a headband of felt birthday candles while other diners look on enviously.
8. Get one of the lovely boxes with the lovely silver candles, plus *bonus* a new pair of chandelier earrings.
9. Order a brand-new appetizer to try something new and absolutely love it.
10. Order your favorite meal at your favorite restaurant with your favorite people.
11. Drink more than you have in the past 4 years... combined. Sadly, this is only 3 margaritas.
12. Come home to romantic candlelight, music, a wine cooler, and a full-body massage from hubby.
13. End the night... the right way.

Ahhh... I love birthdays!!!

P.S. I told many of you I'd tell you about our horrific weekend last weekend - so here it is in a nutshell: While I'm driving back from Galveston, Baby Boy decides to flush an entire roll of toilet paper and ends up flooding the bathroom and the guestroom. While hubby is cleaning it up, Little Princess decides to grab scissors from the middle shelf of the medicine cabinet and cut off 3 1/2 years of growth of hair in the back, as well as some of Baby Boy's. The next day we took Little Princess for a professional fix, and the best they could do was a VERY short pixie cut, since she cut many areas down to the scalp, so now Little Princess's hair is shorter than Baby Boy's. Immediately went and bought lots and lots of pink, white, and purple sparkly headbands with bows, plus some tiny pink clips to be on the safe side. Swear she is only wearing pink and purple dresses until her hair grows back. Husband comes home and sees the cut, we both start crying. We decide to get her ears pierced. Takes 45 to get them done because she won't sit still. Ice cream seals the deal and she sits BY HERSELF to get them done. As soon as we get home, Baby Boy tries to flush another roll of toilet paper.


Bridget M. said...

Oooh! I'm so glad you posted the bad stuff after the good because by the end of the birthday list I was trying very hard (and failing) to stop liking you! Happy birthday Jen and hope the toilet paper finds a high shelf.

Hair grows back so fast on kids! Never fear!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jenniflower! :)

Here's to good wine and good women - constantly improving with age!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Jenniflower! :)

Here's to good wine and good women - constantly improving with age!

lisa said...

While your at it, put the sizzors on the same high shelf as the toilet paper :)
Matter of fact, I think I'll will go right now and do exactly that :)

lisa said...

oh....and happy belated birthday!

Unknown said...

Happy b-day!

Jen said...

Happy Birthday to you. ♪♫ I'm so glad that you're you. ♪♫ I'm so jealous of your birthday... ♪♫ but so happy for you too. ♪♫ :)

and mannnnny mooooorrreee. ♪♫