08 January 2008

The bug has not passed me up, be sure of that.

But while most others are cleaning and organizing, my particular strain of this New Year virus has attacked my to-do list. The one where completing things costs money.

So I've sent my shoes to be repaired, ordered a new Dvix remote (we lost ours), got Izzy's 5-year pictures taken. Next is a new belt and oil change for my Jeep. Then I get my clothes altered because it's so much less expensive to have them taken in than to buy a new wardrobe, and then I have tailored clothing. Which is cool beyond measure.

There's some more expensive things, but they'll have to wait. Despite cries of protest from my other half, my son really does need a toy box. The big Rubbermaid box serves no purpose other than making a mess as he throws the toys out. He is either looking for a specific toy that because of Murphy's law is buried at the bottom of the box, or he's upending it to use it as a stool to get into things he's not supposed to be in. Either way, the Rubbermaid has to die.

I've also got some big things planned for our home this year. Lord willing, we'll get a remodeled master bathroom (those that know about this are probably laughing with glee), new siding and a landscaped front yard.

My lessons are helping with this. My New Year's resolution is to stick to our budget, so we can get done the laundry list of things we need to before Izzy starts school in the fall. Because that's going to take... you guessed it... more money. Better get it done before then, or it might be wait-listed!

So I've compiled my list and I'm ready to begin attacking. Now I just need the strength to fight the battles ahead with the other half... who doesn't like to hire outside help. I seriously see no other way. So, on come the gloves.

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