12 January 2008


My new favorite color is the sky when it's sprinkling and the sun is setting, a menagerie of purples and blues fading into pinks and oranges, a cheshire moon smiling above it all.

What is normal? Certainly not my life right now. We have the semblance of normalcy, but we tend to evade it wherever possible. Birthday party today, was great fun. Dinner with friends. But my poor daughter apparently didn't drink enough water, ate too much sugar, played too hard, and stayed up too late, ending up with what seems like a migraine in a 5-year old, causing her to scream uncontrollably while holding her head and throw up until she was dry-heaving.

Finally got to try a Wii, also great fun. Could be dangerous to my budget. Thankfully I'm too responsible to just run out and buy one.

The evening was cut short by the migraine, leaving us unsatisfied with the short amount of time we've had with friends we've missed terribly. Hopefully we'll be able to hang out again tomorrow, there was a slight probing for our plans, as if they would like to be included. That would restore the balance of normalcy, I think.

And the job situation... hmmm... I just don't know. Too much to think about, the timing is weird, too many options. What's best? It's like having to choose from three cards, trying to get the highest one, and only knowing how pretty they are on the outside, but not the face value of the actual card hiding underneath. It's tough to be in demand, to try to decide which is the best offer for our family. One that will satisfy our financial needs while creating a good family atmosphere. There is one that is definitely the most exciting, but is as of yet the least dependable for a definite offer... after all, he's been through two interviews and is only scheduled for a face-to-face, but hasn't been through it yet or been offered the position. The job of the breadwinner is no light matter, it affects so much.

Yep, definitely going up for prayer tomorrow. I need direction. We all need direction.

And I need a new book.

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