07 January 2008

Tired/Frustrated Makes for a Crabby Mommy

I'm tired of laundry. I'm tired of dishes. If I look at another mess on my floor, I will scream.

I need a break. I need girl time. I need to get away for a while. I need help around this house. I need a good book and a stiff drink. I need a hot shower, one I can stay in until we run out of hot water, without worrying that the kids will have burnt the house to the ground by the time I get out.

I need my son to take a nap. I need my daughter to get an attitude check. I need both of them to clean their rooms without me having to resort to threats. I need the dogs to quit peeing on my floor and scratching at the door to be let in.

I need a maid.

That's it. I've discovered the cure for all my ailments.

I need a maid.

It's funny how freeing that realization is. I'm back into teaching, I'm still not getting any help with the house or finances, and I'm about to start teaching Crown again. I'm making a huge effort to go to the gym three times a week so I will have something for myself, to make me feel better. I'd like to start scrapbooking again, and I've found a V-Group dedicated to paper arts that I'm thinking of joining.

I can't wait for church to switch to two services, so I can attend with my husband again instead of by myself. For now he can't wake up early enough to make it to first service to attend with me. I'm tired of worshipping alone and listening to the message without my husband's arm around my shoulders. I'm sick of fixing coffee for one.

I want my house fixed so I can feel like I live in a normal place. I want the work done and I want it done yesterday.

I want Time Out to start again. I need the time with other women who know what it means to be a Mom. The most underpaid and underappreciated job in the world. I swear sometimes my husband thinks I have it easy. To that, I have to laugh... a bit maniacally.

I'm going to go shower now, and though it won't be a long one, maybe it'll be the refresher I need to get me through the rest of the day.

And in the words of my favorite heroine... "After all, tomorrow is another day."

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