21 January 2008

No real update yet. Sorry, but you'll just have to wait until we hear something first. Unless you have connections at this company. Then you'd better tell us!

For some reason lately I've had the hardest time waking up in the morning. I can't seem to get up and get moving. I know that I'm not really sleeping from about 6 AM on, since my husband's alarm goes off, and the kids start stirring when he showers. I drift in and out of sleep until around 7:30. But I'm planning my sleep around waking up at 7:30. Maybe I just need to go to bed earlier and plan to just get up at 6. Laying around doesn't help me wake up.

Seems like it's going to be a busy spring. I'm teaching Crown, going to a Bible study, getting some work done on the house, teaching, getting things going for Izzy's school in the fall, Time Out, homeschooling, possibly joining a book club, possibly joining a home group and starting one of my own (Bryan's starting one of his own, too). I'm sure there's other stuff I've committed to and I just can't think of it right now.

So if I don't answer the phone, don't take it personally. I'll get back to you as soon as possible. BEEEEEEEEP.

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